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847 Rincon Avenue Livermore CA 94551
(925) 455-6054

Newsletter - Fall 2003


The Amador Judo & Jujitsu Studio is proud to be hosting our Annual Jujitsu Championships, November 15th and 16th, at our Studio.

We encourage all to be part of this event. We at the Amador Judo & Jujitsu Studio believe that competing is an important part of Martial Arts training. Through competition a student learns that dedication and hard work are an essential part of their training. And that training to one’s peak level develops self confidence. Our tournament will foster the philosophy of our sensei Prof. Law, which was trying one’s very best, should be all that is ever asked of anyone.

On Saturday the 15th of November we have planned a full day. We will be offering to junior students aged 5 to 10 a Special Safety Awareness Clinic from 10am to 12pm. Following the Safety Awareness Clinic will be a lunch break and at 1pm our Sumo Tournament will begin which is open to all ages and rank under Black Belt. For students aged 11 and over we have scheduled a Freestyle Jujitsu Competition from 10am to 12 noon, followed by a lunch break and our Sumo Tournament.

Sunday November 16th, at the Amador Judo & Jujitsu Studio will be the Jujitsu Kata Competition. The junior competition will begin at 9am, followed by the senior competition at 1pm. All Black Belt competitors will compete after the completion of the junior competition. We will be awarding trophies to all Jujitsu Kata divisions.

If you have any questions regarding our Annual Jujitsu Championships please let us know.

We are in the process of ordering Amador T Shirts/Sweatshirts. The cost of a T Shirt is $15.00 and Hooded Sweatshirts cost $22.00 for a youth, $25.00 for an adult. If you want to order a T Shirt/Sweatshirt please let us know.

This Saturday, October 11th, 2003 the Amador Judo Team and the Xtreme Competition Team are hosting a rummage sale in the parking lot from 8am to 1pm. All proceeds will go to defray cost of competition entries and travel costs. It is not too late if you would like to donate something and or be part of the rummage sale. We thank you for your support.

October 30th, 2003 from 5pm to 8pm is Livermore’s Downtown Trick or Treat Night. If you would like to be part of a group to trick or treat, please note the sign up sheet. Also, this year the Amador Judo & Jujitsu Studio and the Amador Dance Xtreme will be participating, we will have a table downtown to pass out treats. Please remember to bring your friends and stop by and say Trick or Treat!

Patricia Rebmann

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